During this one-week camp, you will learn to paint digitally in Adobe Photoshop, combining traditional painting techniques with technology. Fundamental painting techniques, colour and composition theory, tone and structure are used to enhance your painting skill set on a digital platform. Using a laptop and other technology, you will also gain knowledge with the basic standards for creating digital art used in professional comics, graphic-based concepts and digital art.
Adobe Photoshop is a valuable skill-set in art and design fields. This session will train you in the creation and manipulation of digital images for use in digital page layout, interactive media, web platforms, digital artwork, and photography. A combination of demonstrations, exercises, and independent projects will familiarize students with the Photoshop interface, tools, features and functions.
We accept Credit card, debit, check or cash.
Camps are held from 9am-3pm, with a noon hour lunch break and short breaks in the morning and afternoon.
These camps are for anyone who is 14 years of age and up; and have an interest in gaining or advancing their skills in each area.
We are located downtown Moncton, at 100 Cameron Street, Suite 101, Moncton, NB